Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Greed is good?

Greed is good? Is what a lot of people think, in the movie it talks about how greed is good and how Geako doesn’t care about anyone but himself. He doesn’t care if he screws his business partner or all the employees and their families just for him to have more money, money that he will never probably see or spend. It’s sad to know that there are so many people that have nothing to eat or even no were to stay, well other people are giving away trillions and billions of dollars for bonuses a year. I hate greed, I wish there wasn’t any greed and that people will get paid an how hard they work or because their great business people. I don’t understand why people want so much money and they will do anything to get it. It doesn’t matter who they screw over as long as they get it. I’ve notice that money that you get from geed or bad money never sticks around for long one way or another it will go away because people get confident and think that they will always be able to get it. I have learned that money is not everything that there are more important things to life than having a lot of money or screwing people over, like having a great family that stands by you no matter what you do, having a husband that loves you and respects you, or having beautiful kids that brighten your day every time you see them or think about them.
The person that I would have to pick to be made as one of the dolls is probably my older sister because she really can get on my nerves, so every time that she get on my nerves I can smack the doll. That will make me feel just a little better.

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